The latest imported beeswax news from the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) is out, and it's not good. The statement below offers even more compelling reasons (besides the environmental and economic benefits of purchasing Australian) to ensure the beeswax you are purchasing is of Australian origin.
Where ever possible, please buy direct from beekeepers like ourselves and other local beekeepers who you know and trust, so you can be sure your wax is actually beeswax and not contaminated.
"Imported adulterated beeswax is threatening the integrity of Australian honey and beeswax products.
Independent tests undertaken by AHBIC over the past three years has shown 100% of all imported beeswax tested is adulterated with chemicals and paraffin.
If this imported adulterated beeswax is used as a foundation in frames by beekeepers then it is highly likely Australian honey will be contaminated by chemical residues. It also threatens products made with beeswax such as beeswax wraps, an alternative to plastics in covering food, as well as lip balm, hand creams, face creams and lipstick."