A 2021 update about paraffin being sold as beeswax in Australia

Be sure you're buying pure beeswax, not fake beeswax made from paraffin

The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council’s (AHBIC) April 2021 newsletter offers a great reminder about the importance of knowing where your beeswax comes from. Whether you use beeswax for making your own balms and skin care, or for candles, polishes or beeswax wraps, it’s important to know you are actually working with a renewable, pure, Australian beeswax, not paraffin which is an imported petroleum product.

At The Beekeeper, we know where our beeswax comes from because we’re out in the beautiful forests of NSW with the bees most days! And when you buy beeswax from us, you’re buying direct from the beekeepers who harvest and extract it.

 According to the AHBIC:

 “Another two (2) results back from samples of beeswax sent away for analysis and not surprisingly they came back as adulterated with paraffin. One sample as wax beads, the other foundation and both were from China. AHBIC continues to follow up with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) re this issue plus we are also in contact with Minister Littleproud’s office re having imported beeswax tested.”

Bee well people, and thank you for your continued support.

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