We love the gentle buzzing of bees, but that's not the only sound we hear when we're out in the great Australian bush managing our beehives. It might be the sound of the wind in the tops of the ironbark and yellowbox trees, the great laugh of the kookaburras or the rustling of small birds as they flit in and out of the Manuka. But this week the sound has been all about cicadas,
Lots and lots of cicadas!
Here are some pics taken by our professional beekeeper Daryl Brenton this week when he was out checking on the queen bees. You can see the cicadas have shed their skins so they can keep on growing and evolving.
We feel like we're doing a bit of that too as our business grows - and that's why tomorrow we're going to participate in our first ever Black Friday Manuka honey sale.
Tomorrow only (November 27th 2020), at the checkout when you order any Manuka honey product, type in the code: BLACKFRIDAYCICADA and get 10% off your order! *not available on beeswax or our delicious eating honey...the code is for Manuka honey only.
Thank you for giving us a chance to grow and evolve into online honey and beeswax sales. We appreciate it and have a great Black Friday sale.