How many bee hives & beekeepers in NSW Australia at at May 2021?

Here are some of the latest bee facts for you.

How many beekeepers are there in NSW, Australia? Did you know that as of May 2021, there are 12,182 registered beekeepers in NSW (of which 1093 are classified as commercial beekeepers)?

How many honey beehives are there in NSW, Australia? Between all these keepers - commercial and hobbyist - we care for 361,651 registered honey bee hives!

Today we're soaking up lots of information at this year's NSW Apiarists' Association Conference including:

How much honey is produced in Australia each year? Depending on seasonal conditions, Australia produces between 20,000-30,000 tonnes of honey per year.

How much are bees and beekeeping worth to the Australia's agriculture sector? The value of beekeeping to agriculture is about $14.2 billion owing to the role honey bees play in pollinating economically important crops.

Busy 🐝🐝🐝 indeed.

As commercial beekeepers and bee carers, we're always learning about how best to look after and out for bees, the challenges we and they face from climate change and other threats such as exotic pests and disease. The NSW Apiarists' Association always puts on a great conference with lots of experts, facts and research and we're grateful to all the presenters and for the opportunity to participate each year.

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